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UVTA Media Library

All photos, videos and press releases on this page are authorized for public use by the Upper Valley Trails Alliance. 


Upper Valley Trails Alliance

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Upper Valley High School Trail Corps

UVTA Tour de Taste: A Pedaling Picnic

STOAKED Trail Race

UVTA Marketing Materials & Video Library

Hayden Keene shares her experience as a participant and the Summer Crew Leader in the Upper Valley High School Trail Corps.

Direct link HERE.

Josie Bourne shares her experience as a participant and the Summer Crew Leader in the Upper Valley High School Trail Corps. 

Direct link HERE.

Sean Taylor tells us what it was like growing up with the Upper Valley Trails Alliance and participating in various trail projects. 

Direct link HERE.

In this video we hear from a teacher, parent and two participants about why they love the Passport to Winter Fun. 

Direct link HERE.

Jay Boren, owner of LockNLube in West Lebanon NH, and a corporate sponsor of UVTA discusses the importance of supporting local trails.

Direct link HERE.  

Courtney Dragiff, of the Hanover Conservancy, tells us the benefits of having an Organizational Membership with UVTA. 

Direct link HERE

Vic Henningsen discusses his experience of serving on the board of the Upper Valley Trails Alliance for 6 years.

Direct link HERE.

Kaitie Eddington, Program Manager at the Upper Valley Trails Alliance, announces the winning name of the Kate Needs A Name fundraiser!

Direct link HERE.