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UVTA Tour de Taste

UVTA Tour de Taste

The UVTA Tour de Taste is a scenic, pedaling picnic that takes you through the Connecticut River Valley. Along the way you will enjoy tasty food samples at historic stops from local farms and restaurants. Enjoy the autumn foliage and beautiful scenery at your own pace by choosing one of our three routes: the Lake Morey Loop (6 miles), the Classic Loop (19.5 miles), or the River Road Extension (31 miles). 

Registration includes detailed route maps, directions and an incredible menu of locally produced foods!

Save the Date: Sunday September 7th, 2025

Samuel Morey Elementary in Fairlee, VT

Bike Ride Check In @ 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

*All participants MUST be checked in and on the road by 11:00 AM

Want to ride for FREE?

Consider Volunteering!