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Lending Toolshed

Lending Tool Shed

The Upper Valley Trails Alliance’s Lending Tool Shed, also known as the Stewardship Tool Library,  has an assortment of tools for trail building and maintenance, conservation, and construction, such as: grubbing hoes, shovels, pick mattocks, rock bars, rakes, hammers, saws, and almost anything else needed to build trails.

Tools and equipment are available for free to members of the Alliance. The Lending Tool Shed is located at our offices in Norwich, VT.

Also available for Alliance members is specialized equipment requiring a UVTA staff person to operate. With oversight and operation by trained UVTA staff, we can provide a grip hoist system, tracked hauler, chainsaw and trail counter. Alliance member organizations get an hourly discount for UVTA equipment operators!

The chainsaw is not only helpful to clear larger trees blocking the trail, but also can also make it possible to build bridges, stairs and other structures in remote areas.

The tracked hauler and griphoist systems enable us to move heavy materials like gravel and stones more efficiently and with less damage to the trails and land.

We use trail counters to gather important trail data, not only to help assess our impact on the trails but also their positive impact on community health and wellbeing. This data can then help us better understand and manage our trails, and can also provide invaluable data when we are applying for grants and other funding.

Click the buttons below to learn more about the TRAFx trail counters and our other specialized equipment.

The Lending Toolshed is a partnership with Nature Groupie, a project of UNH Extension that supports outdoor volunteerism in New England. 

Reserve and check out tools by creating an account with MyTurn tool management software (click Create Account below) and browsing available tools in the cache!

Available By Special Request

Tracked Hauler

Also known as a “mechanized wheelbarrow” this piece of equipment resembling a small tank can transport large loads of material across rugged terrain with little impact on the landscape. With a load capacity of 1000 pounds it is perfect for moving gravel, soil, or rock from a staging area to project site.

Tracked Hauler

Also known as a “mechanized wheelbarrow” this piece of equipment resembling a small tank can transport large loads of material across rugged terrain with little impact on the landscape. With a load capacity of 1000 pounds it is perfect for moving gravel, soil, or rock from a staging area to project site.

Griphoist Mechanical Hoist and Rigging System

Part crane-part winch this dynamic system is hand-operated and portable using wire rope that is able to lift, pull, or transfer loads from one position to another. With a maximum weight limit measured in tons the griphoist is essential for moving material in remote locations too heavy to move by hand such as rocks exceeding 300 pounds and bridge stringers.

Griphoist Mechanical Hoist and Rigging System