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Corporate Sponsorship

Join the Alliance!

Our corporate sponsors have played a key role in helping our small organization become a true Upper Valley leader. With loyal and generous support from partners, members, volunteers, donors and sponsors like you, we are expanding our positive influence in the Upper Valley and beyond.

Thank You Current UVTA Sponsors!

While we are very thankful for all of the support over the years and proud of all we’ve accomplished, the high demand for our services has made us aware of how much work needs to be done. As we have received more requests for our programs and services, from trail finder to trail building and maintenance, it has become clear that we must expand our capacity. We will therefore need more community support in order to protect, maintain and advocate for trails in every town in the Upper Valley.

Want to learn more? Watch this video!

Jay Boren, owner of LockNLube in West Lebanon, NH. and long-time corporate sponsor of UVTA, discusses the importance of supporting UVTA and community access to trails.

As UVTA has grown, we have also begin to help get the word out about our sponsors as you can see in these sponsorship and marketing statistics:

  • UVTA social media and e-newsletter reaches over 1,800 people
  • Over 20,000 unique users have visited Trail Finder in one month
  • This UVTA website receives over 2,000 unique users per month
  • Passport to Winter Fun is distributed to over 4,500 students in 31 Upper Valley schools (and 12 home school groups)
  • UVTA events are attended by over 700 people annually, and includes:
    • Skate-A-Thon on Lake Morey (Winter)
    • Annual Dinner (spring)
    • Stoaked Trail Race at Oak Hill (summer)
    • Tour de Taste Pedaling Picnic (fall)

 Corporate Sponsorship

  • $0.00