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The Upper Valley Trails Alliance offers a variety of technical trainings and workshops to help your group create high quality trails and support the people that use them. We partner with experts that give the most relevant, up-to-date information that pertains to your trail and your trail users whether they are hikers, bikers, snowmobilers, skiers or equestrians.

As an alliance of organizations in the region, we can tailor trainings to fit your specific needs and can coordinate trainings to take place in your desired location.

Chainsaw Training

UVTA partners with the renowned experts at Game of Logging to host chainsaw technical and safety training. Up to four levels of training include: felling, bucking and limbing, chainsaw maintenance, advanced techniques, and productivity maximization. Contact us to schedule a Chainsaw Training!

Technical Trainings

UVTA can train your group for specific technical trail building techniques and systems including: Basic Trail Stewardship, Griphoist/Rigging, GIS/Mapping, Bridge Construction, Stonework (walls and/or staircases), Layout/Design, Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics, and more. Contact us to schedule a Technical Training!

Wilderness Medical Training

UVTA partners with medical professionals to host multiple levels of medical training tailored to the outdoors and wilderness settings. From basic to advanced classes include: CPR, Wilderness First Aid, Wilderness First Responder and Wilderness EMT. Contact us to schedule a Wilderness Training!